The Forbidden Highpoint

[Summit team: Targo, Katrin, Toomas, Oliver]
There are many different kinds of people in the world. There are people like Percival Baxter who worked for decades in Maine to buy land surrouding Katahdin with his personal money and then donated it to the state, so people could enjoy it. And then there are people like the owners of a lot between road 101 and the highpoint of Rhode Island that have put up at least half a dozen threatening signs to keep people from crossing a narrow stretch of forest. It is actually funny how their efforts are so counterproductive - highpointers have taken up this hobby to overcome hardships, and the more hardships you put in their way, the more stubborn they get. At the same time they could be asking $20/person from every visitor, and make good money from the 1000+ people that come there every year.
OK, enough ranting. We visited Jerimoth Hill on an open access day, September 5th, 2004. There were about a dozen other highpointers by the summit, and we chatted with some who had been at the convention in Washington state earlier this year.

Here are the the instructions:

1. In Rhode Island we took I-295 to bypass Providence.
2. From I-295 take exit 6-5 towards US-6/ Hartford Ct
3. Turn right onto US-6, go 4.9 miles.
4. Keep straight onto SR-101
5. Stay on SR-101 for 8.9 miles. You should go a little past US-94 junction. There is a radio tower on the right side of the road as well as a sign (see first picture). The summit is on the left side, but is accessible only a couple of days per year.

Sign by the highway

Trailhead to the highpoint. There are various threatening signs glued to the trees.

The "summit"

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